Saturday, August 22, 2009

As a news-junkie,am interested in opinions of relatives in Sweden about...well,really not anything specific but certainly perceptions we have about our two countries in such areas as government,how democratic are we,image we are trying to project in the world++. But sports,the arts,our troubled neighbour the U.S.(Obama does need a holiday, most Republicans would prefer it was a permanent one!),a very eclectic approach would be appreciated. And ,yes, philosophy Hans. As a startdo we agree that things are good or bad ,only to the degree that our minds are affected by ..whatever?Believe I am quoting Spinoza.Dick


  1. Maybe. As I understand Spinoza, one of his points is that we can take things much more easily if we grasp the fact they happen out of necessity. It simply couldn't be different.

  2. He(Spinoza) also concluded that it is not very satisfying to chase money,political office and fame because we have to change ourselves to conform to what other people want;so how can one be true to oneself and...Enough Spinoza,the poor man was excommunicated, a very painful deal in the Jewish community and likely the Catholic one.
    Just finished reading Amazing Sweden,thanks Amelie and am intrigued by a statement that to Swedes it is a compliment to say "You look so non(or was it un-)Swedish" What do Swedes think their image is if that constitutes a compliment? Any thoughts?

  3. Today Margaret and I watched a very moving tribute to Ted Kennedy, the U.S. senator who just died. President Obama spoke as did the two sons and many others.Ted Kennedy was perhaps the last of the people capable of brokering compromise between the Democrats and Republicans. My question is whether you are interested in Obama's attempts at health care reform ,aware of what he is up against or have any thoughts to share. The U.S. spends almost twice the amount of money per capita as we do in Canada for poorer results( we live longer,have less infant mortality ++) yet 46 million,or rougly 15 % have no insurance. That would be about 4.5 million Canadians if we had a similar system. Like in Sweden I believe, all Canadians are covered. It is a very bitter and nasty fight with much misrepresentation of our system,by those who oppose change.
    Ted Kennedy will be greatly missed by many,especially by those often poor people who need a champion in high places.
